In America, the government says they use censorship to protect citizens from inappropriate things. But is that really true? Or are they trying to hide things from us that they don't want us to know about? They manipulate the television broadcast, newspapers, radios, magazines and other media. For example, the government controls the amount of violence to be broadcast on televisions, as well as the required age to watch certain movies.. That seems like they're protecting the minds of young ones.  The government tries to control private businesses such as newspapers, because the newspaper can write something that makes the government look bad or facts that the government do not want any of their citizens to know about.  Also the government tries to "protect" students from reading certain books. There was a case in 1985 where The Board of Education rejected a book from high school and junior high school, because " the Board characterized as anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-semitic, and to their tastes, filthy". The Board of Education rejected that certain book from students reading it because they thought it would make America look bad due to the anti-Americans in the book.

Media Censorship

Censorship in America actually came from the British when the U.S wanted to "[follow] the British example in trying to protect citizens' freedom of expression from interference by the government. However, the limits of this protection were soon tested and they have been the subject of debate ever since". As I said before newspapers, magazines and books are all controlled by the government. But all these things are privately owned so the government will put restrictions on broadcast medias; the reason for that is because radios and television channels are on the airwaves and they are publicly owned. Also the government doesn't try to control most of the written media because citizens can very easily control a specific topic or subject people read. On the other hand it's harder to control what children or adults might hear or see on the radio or television. Since its very easy for someone to hear something over the airwaves, the government holds "control of the airwaves and the most basic of which is licensing". They make radios and televisions renew their licenses over time, so its not just a one time thing either. Since the government controls such a big part of radios and television the government makes the broadcaster air local news and public service announcements such as political advertisements. With global news there are many different opinions and many different type of people posting facts or fictional stories on the internet about different countries. So United States is "requiring journalists to be licensed by the state, managing the distribution of newsprint, or withholding government advertising". United States isn't the only country with censorship, as many other countries have censorship over their citizens as well. "Some governments try to prevent citizens from receiving news from outside sources. The expansion of the Internet presents a serious challenge to the control of information", some countries try to have less American movies and television programming because they believe they are "threatened to overwhelm local cultures or to undermine their values with scenes of violence and sex and of a lifestyle well furnished with material goods". In China, they blocked Youtube and Google from their citizens, both websites that are created in America. So, is America trying to control the broadcast and limit them to what can be broadcast to protect citizens of America, or so the government won't look bad?  Is China really blocking the websites because they want to protest against America, or are they really trying to protect their own citizens? Who knows... 
America always say censorship is to protect Americans but many debate about it.

Censoring Music

        Imagine the world without music. Imagine a world where we are told what we can and can't play, and sing, and even what we may listen to in the privacy of our own homes. That world already exists. In more countries than you might imagine, musicians and composers are under threat. And that threat is growing.

        In countries like Sudan, Afghanistan and China, violations of musician’s rights to freedom of expression are common. In the USA and Algeria, the government has succeeded in keeping popular music off the concert stage, and out of the media. In ex-Yugoslavia musicians are often not appreciated in political dramas, and the possibility of free expression has been very affected.

        On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed the worst disaster in the history of North America if not the world since Pearl Harbor. The twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed due to a terrorist attack on America. This event affected everyone very deeply, but that does not justify taking songs off the air by artists such as Creed, Savage Garden, Led Zeppelin, or Alanis Morissette. Morissette’s, at one time, hit song "Ironic" was taken off the airwaves of many radio stations in United States and Canada because the song makes reference to a plane crash. Creed’s hit song, Higher, received the same fate when some angry people heard reference to flying or to be more specific “Can you take me higher?” in the lyrics. This song is about being brought to a place where everything is better than it is around the world today, and about creating that place here. It does not make sense for people to object to a song with such a deep and spiritual meaning. Overall censorship just leads to the youth of today, not getting the full value of their education or them not being able to be entertained by what they like.

Why Is Music Censored?

Music is a free expression of the ideas, traditions and emotions of individuals and of peoples. It may express musicians’ hopes and dreams, their joys and sorrows, their very identity as a culture. Yet these expressions may conflict with those of people in power. The ideas themselves may simply be unpopular or outside the current thinking or practices of a special interest group. For there are those the world over who are threatened by the very nature of a free exchange of ideas. There are those who will stop at nothing to stifle them.

Political Censorship

        When the government attempts to hide information from the public, it's called political censorship. political censorship is generally thought of as the government's attempt to keep a positive image. whether that is true or not is generally opinion based.
       Although the country of America was built off of the idea of religious freedom, as well as other freedoms, it seems unable to hold to its ideas. As information in media is published for view, many topics are criticized and prohibited to the public. Radical opinions that those in power dislike are disposed of, while laws were made to protect our rights, they were altered over time. In the court trial of John Peter Zenger that took place in October 26, 1697 to july 28, 1746, he was accused of seditious libel towards New York governor William Cosby. Zenger, printer of the New York weekly journal, had printed articles written anonymously by James Alexander. Zenger was at first guilty during his arrest, but was nullified. this is an example of the attempted prohibition of stating one's opinion, only because it came across negatively to the one criticized. cases like these happened several times throughout history, while the outcomes varied. in one case, a Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, was successfully sued for the defamation of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew A. Snyder, as they protested his funeral. Viewing the situation from either perspective, a fair or unfair accusation, they were silenced.


FranZiskGo, San. "Censorship Is Bad!" The WELL - the Birthplace of the Online Community Movement. The Ultimate San Francisco Resource. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
This site helped me because it helped me realize how we are losing our freedom of speech, and how the government is giving us less and less of it.

"Censorship: The Negative Effects Parents Don't Know About." Associated Content from Yahoo! - Yahoo! Contributor Network, 11 May 2009. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
This site taught me that what many parents do not realize is that censoring literature hurts their children more than it helps them.

Agee, Jane. "The Effects of Censorship on Experienced High School English Teachers." University at Albany - SUNY. Center on English Learning & Achievement, Nov. 2011. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
This site taught me by restricting us from books. Its restricting us from learning valuable life lessons for our future.

Gross, Grant. "Clinton Says Internet Censorship Harmful to Governments | ITworld." ITworld | IT News, Technology Analysis and How-to Resources. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
This site taught me that internet censorship leads to civil unrest not security.

biao, Jiao. "Censorship in China, UCLA International Institute." UCLA International Institute. 15 Dec. 2004. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
I learned that China blocked some American websites in the mainland of China. 

Ockerbloom, John Mark. "Banned Books Online." The Online Books Page. Free Speech Online Blue Ribbon Campaign, Dec. 2002. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
This website helped and taught me that America government banned many books from being online or any libraries.

Vettese, Robert. "Censorship and Freedom of Speech." Project Critical Final Project, 12 Apr. 2002. Web. 
This site helped me with the project because by reading this website I found out that censorship controls books in the school library and how we are losing more chances of learning new things when the government rejects some of books.

"Gale Cengage Product Failure." General Logon Page. Gale, Cengage Learning, 2010. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
This site described the history, media and international perspectives of censorship and it taught me how the government try to censor many things in a basic life of Americans'. 

"First Amendment Legal Definition of First Amendment. First Amendment Synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary." Legal Dictionary. Web. 04 Apr. 2011. < amendment>.
this site broke down the 1st amendment to help us understand the meaning of

Calculations, Van Dam's. "Account of Zenger Trial." UMKC School of Law. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
"John Peter Zenger." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 03 Apr. 2011. <>.
these sites helped me to exemplify the attempt of censorship by parts of the government.

"Westboro Baptist Church." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 04 Apr. 2011. <>.
this showed me a case where the attempted censorship was generally for a good reason, to suppress vulgar opinions towards another group.